| | Organization | Access | City | Phone | EMail | Website |
| | Great Falls TV | PEG | Auburn | 755-5424 | gfallstv@yahoo.com | |
| | Capitol Area Technical Center | EDU | Augusta | 626-2542 | adostie@augusta.k12.me.us | |
| | Time Warner Cable Local 9 | LO | Augusta | 622-3671 x 506 | trudy.deblois@twcable.com | |
| | Town of Baileyville | GOV | Baileyville | 427-6205 | woodrack@verizon.net | |
| | City of Bangor | GOV | Bangor | 992-4268 | al.douglas@bgrme.org | |
| | Jmac Multimedia | PEG | Bangor | 884-8333 | james@wbgr.com | |
| | Penobscot Downeast Cable Consortium | NPO | Bangor | 942-6389 | jbird@emdc.org | |
| | City of Bath (BCTV-7) | PEG | Bath | 443-8387 | bctv@suscom-maine.net | http://www.bctv14.com |
| | BAHS TV-5 | EDU | Belfast | 338-1790 x 202 | gapplestein@sad34.net | http://www.sad34.net/~gapplestein |
| | Bel-TV Channel 7 | GOV | Belfast | 338-3370 x 20 | dmende@cityofbelfast.org | |
| | Belfast Community TV | PEG | Belfast | 323-2430 | bctv2@yahoo.com | http://belfastcommunitytv.blogspot.com |
| | WHAT Western Hills Access Television | PEG | Bethel | 824-4123 | channeliv@mail.com | |
| | Biddeford Public Access | PEG | Biddeford | 286-8059 | spulos@biddefordmaine.org | www.biddefordmaine.org/index.asp |
| | Boothbay Region Community TV | PEG | Boothbay Harbor | 633-5022 | brctv7@verizon.net | www.brctv.org |
| | Lake Region Television (LRTV) | PEG | Bridgton | 647-8044 | manager@lakeregiontv.org | www.lakeregiontv.org |
| | Brunswick TV 3 | PEG | Brunswick | 725-0614 | tv3@brunswickme.org | www.brunswickme.org |
| | Buckfield High School | EDU | Buckfiield | 336-2151 | greuter@sad39.k12.me.us | |
| | Calais Bulletin Board - Channel 3 | GOV | Calais | 454-2521 x 19 | asstmanager@calaismaine.org | |
| | Town of Camden | GOV | Camden | 236-3353 | jesancy@camdenmaine.gov | |
| | Cape Elizabeth TV (CETV) | PEG | Cape Elizabeth | 767-2273 x 255 | cetv@maine.rr.com | http://www.capeelizabeth.com/cetv.html |
| | WSKI Channel 17 | LO | Carrabasset Valley | 237-6895 | wskitv17@roadrunner.com | http://www.wskitv.com |
| | Castine Bulletin Board - Channel 8 | GOV | Castine | 326-4502 | dale@castine.me.us | |
| | Valley Vision Community Television | LO | Conway | 877-356-8941877-356-8941 | info@valleyvision.com | www.valleyvision.com |
| | Town of Cumberland | GOV | Cumberland | 829-2205 x 300 | mcrosby@cumberlandmaine.com | |
| | Town of Durham | GOV | Durham | 353-2561 | sptownclerk@suscom-maine.net | |
| | Eastport High School - Channel 59 | EDU | Eastport | 853-6254 | shingi@ptc-me.net | |
| | Ellsworth Community Television | EG | Ellsworth | 667-2563 | dashmore@ci.ellsworth.me.us | |
| | Central Maine CATV | PEG | Fairfield | 453-9895 | laura@centralmainecatv.com | http://www.centralmainecatv.com |
| | Town of Falmouth | PEG | Falmouth | 781-5253 x 317 | bmeehan@town.falmouth.me.us | |
| | Mt. Blue Community Access Corp. | PEG | Farmington | 778-8146 | jfortier@maine.edu | www.mtbluetv.org |
| | Fort Kent TV | PEG | Fort Kent | 834-3406 | marcprischasse@gmail.com | |
| | Freeport Community TV (FCTV-7) | PEG | Freeport | 865-4743 | rs@freeportmaine.com | www.freeportmaine.com/fctv |
| | Gardner High School | EDU | Gardner | 582-3150 | sgadbois@msad11.org | http://1/09: Station not currently in operation |
| | GOCAT Channel 2 | PEG | Gorham | 222-1640 | gocat@gorham.me.us | ww.gocat.org |
| | GGETV Channel 3 | EG | Gorham | 222-1640 | gocat@gorham.me.us | www.gocat.org |
| | Gray Public Access | PEG | Gray | 657-5898 | gctv2@graymaine.org | http://www.graymaine.org/Public_Documents/GrayME_GCTV |
| | WGLT-TV7 | PEG | Greene | 946-5146 | sahebert@fairpoint.net | |
| | Harpswell HTV | PEG | Harpswell | 833-2363 | htv14@harpswelltv.org | http://www.harpswelltv.org |
| | Sacopee Valley High School | EDU | Hiram | 625-3208 | cdove@sad55.org | |
| | Saco River Community Television | PEG | Hollis | 727-5702 | srctv@roadrunner.com | www.src-tv.org |
| | Houlton Community Television | GOV | Houlton | 532-7111 | town.manager@houlton-maine.com | |
| | Kittery Channel 22 | PEG | Kittery | 439-9292 | l4Leon@aol.com | |
| | Livermore Falls High School - Ch 7 | EDU | Livermore Falls | 897-6410 | mhaynes@lfhs.sad36.k12.me.us | |
| | Machias Memorial High School - Ch 2 | EDU | Machias | 255-3812 | lcobb@mmhsbulldogs.org | |
| | Madawaska High School - Channel 6 | EDU | Madawaska | 728-3371 | colijand@madawaskaschools.org | |
| | CATV-11 | PEG | Madison | 696-4145 | catv@tdstelme.net | |
| | Mars Hill Access Channel | GOV | Mars Hill | 425-3731 | marshill@pioneerwireless.net | |
| | Washington County TV - WCTV-2 | PEG | Marshfield | 259-1198 | wctv@roadrunner.com | http://coming--- |
| | WVAC Channel 7 | EG | Mexico | 364-7956 | wvactv7@gmail.com | http://NA |
| | Mt. Vernon TV (MTV-TV) | PEG | Mt. Vernon | 293-2988 | lwood@gwi.net | |
| | Town of New Gloucester | GOV | New Gloucester | 926-4126 | pondhouse@securespeed.us | |
| | Lincoln County TV (LCTV) | PEG | Newcastle | 563-6338 | lctv1@lctv.org | www.lctv.org |
| | Nokomis Warrier Broadcasting | EDU | Newport | 368-4354 x 243 | mdbrown@msad48.org | |
| | Norway-Paris Community TV (NPC-TV) | PEG | Norway | 743-7859 | Info@npctv11.org | http://npctv2.org |
| | Ogunquit Channel 3 (WOGT) | PEG | Ogunquit | 646-5139 x 255 | wogt@townofogunquit.org | http://www.townofogunquit.org |
| | Old Orchard Beach Community Television | EG | Old Orchard Beach | 934-4911 x 501 | oobtv3@oobmaine.com | http://www.oobmaine.com |
| | Town of Old Orchard Beach | GOV | Old Orchard Beach | 934-5714 | mpicard@oobmaine.com | |
| | Town of Orono | PEG | Orono | 866-2556 | tuholski@adelphia.net | |
| | Phippsburg Community Television | PEG | Phippsburg | 389-2653 | phippspactv@phippsburg.com | www.phippsburg.com |
| | WMCI | PEG | Pittsfield | 487-3355 x 210 | kbridges@mci-school.org | www.wmcitv.org |
| | PATHS Channel 3 | EDU | Portland | 874-8173 | hooses@portlandschools.org | www.portlandschools.org/tv3/index.html |
| | Portland Public Access and CTN-5 | PEG | Portland | 775-2900 x 1 | tom@ctn5.org | www.ctn5.org |
| | Town of Rangeley | GOV | Rangeley | 864-3326 | wel@megalink.net | |
| | Town of Raymond | GOV | Raymond | 655-4742 | don.willard@raymondmaine.org | |
| | Readfield Government Access | GOV | Readfield | 685-4939 | kmgj@juno.com | |
| | Knox TV Channel 38 | LA | Rockland | 542-6308 | vquest@midcoast.com | |
| | City of Rockland - Channel 22 | GOV | Rockland | 594-0304 | ssylvester@ci.rockland.me.us | |
| | Maine Coast Community Television 7 | PUB | Rockport | 594-9586 | info@mainecoast.tv | www.mainecoast.tv |
| | City of Saco | GOV | Saco | 284-2350 | bleary@sacomaine.org | |
| | Thornton Acadamy (TATV) | EDU | Saco | 282-3361 x 242 | tatv@thorntonacademy.org | https://www.thorntonacademy.org/podium/default.aspx |
| | Scarborough Community Television Channels 2 & 3 | PEG | Scarborough | 730-4150 | sctv@maine.rr.com | http://www.scarborough.me.us/townhall/commserv/channel3.html |
| | Searsport Community TV (SCTV-7) | PEG | Searsport | 548-6372 | SCTV7@aol.com | www.Searsportme.com |
| | Bee Line, Inc. | LO | Skowhegan | 474-2727 | beelines@midmaine.com | |
| | South Portland Community Television | PEG | South Portland | 767-7615 | spctv@southportland.org | www.southportland.org/index.asp |
| | Southern Maine Community College | EDU | South Portland | 741-5770 | rvisser@smccme.edu | |
| | S.P.E.A.C. Channel 3 | EDU | South Portland | 767-3266 x 252 | yorkju@spsd.org | |
| | Bonny Eagle Television Ch 9 | EDU | Standish | 642-9080 | lpeiffer@sad6.k12.me.us | betv@sad6.k12.me.us |
| | Leavitt Area High School | EDU | Turner | 225-3533 | LAHS-TV11@msad52.org | |
| | Medomak Valley High School | EDU | Waldoboro | 832-5389 | jhilker@midcoast.com | |
| | Massebesic TV Channel 16 | EDU | Waterboro | 247-3221 | srctv@roadrunner.com | |
| | Electronic Grange Network | PEG | Weld | 585-2299 | egrangenet@yahoo.com | |
| | Wells Community Television | PEG | Wells | 646-5113 | mgoodine@wellstown.org | |
| | West Bath Community Television | GOV | West Bath | 443-2490 | marsha@thehintons.net | |
| | Westbrook Community TV (WCTV 2/3) | PEG | Westbrook | 939-0474 | cuparicv@westbrookschools.org | |
| | Windham Cable Community Group (WCCG TV) | PEG | Windham | 892-0546 | jwebb@town.windham.me.us | http://windhamweb.com/tv7/home.htm |
| | Woolwich Channel 12 | PEG | Woolwich | 442-7052 | bigbaf@suscom-maine.net | |
| | Yarmouth Municipal Television (YMTV) | GOV | Yarmouth | 846-9036 | yarmouthtv@yarmouth.me.us | www.yarmouth.me.us |
| | Town of York | GOV | York | 363-1000 | ryandow@yorkmaine.org | |
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