FUTURE DEMS Organizational Renewal Network
The Democratic Party needs an infusion of democracy.
Throughout history, candidates have been more (+^) or less (-v) inclined to developing and envigorating grassroots democracy:
FDR+^ Henry Wallace+^ Truman-v Kennedy-v ($ + TV)-v Johnson-v RFK+^ McGovern+^ Carter-v Mondale-v Dukakis-v Jackson+^ Brown+^ Wellstone+^ Clinton-v Gore-v Kerry-v Dean+^ Kucinich+^ Obama-v Clinton-v Sanders+^
...Roots vs. Suits ... it's an old issue … let's try something different...
...Roots WITH Suits … we have to work together to build common ground!
Muskie in Maine managed to meld them together as well as could be done at the time. Granted, the desperation of the Democratic Party in Maine necessitated that failure to unite the roots & suits was NOT an option!
(SEE: “Rise, Decline, and Renewal: The Democratic Party in Maine” (ROOKS: 2018))
Over time, candidates come & go, BUT, the people will always be there.
The democratic wing of the Democratic Party CANNOT be personality-based. It MUST be people-based.
The struggle continues to patch together some semblance of an infrastructure of democracy for our civic culture at large in our country. LIKEWISE, the situation for grassroots activists is NO better within the Democratic Party.
During campaign seasons, candidates and their supporters can have direct or indirect effects which energize the grassroots of the Democratic Party. BUT, campaigns are temporary and narrowly focused.
There MUST be an ongoing organizational renewal network to rebuild the grassroots of the Democratic Party to make it a BIG-TENT fun & fierce force for change year after year and decade after decade!
PLEASE NOTE: This is ONLY a concept. This is NOT yet in operation.